An advance type of massage is used when there is a need to focus on the deeper layers of muscles and tissues in the body. And this is the deep tissue massage. This type of massage is used primarily to treat several physical problems brought about by damaged tissues. An example of such cases are the injuries that athletes receive when playing their sports.
Doctors highly recommend deep tissue massage to help these injured athletes recover and bring them back to top shape and form. Go here to get a great massage
Muscle tension is also alleviated by deep tissue massage further relieving the patient of discomfort.
Massage also relieves stress and increases the body’s production of serotonin, the substance in the body that makes us feel happy and make us feel more positive.
The deep strokes to the tissue improves the drainage in the lymphatic circulation which restores the flexibility of the affected muscle area. This is also the reason why deep tissue massage is given to individuals who had surgery.
It also relaxes the muscles which reduces swelling and pain restoring significant levels of motion and flexibility in the affected area better in a short period of time.